City Point Brooklyn

Architect: COOKFOX; SLCE Architects LLP
Installer: Empire Glass and Metal
Location: Brooklyn, New York

The VS1 system was fully deployed on the podium walls of this large development in the heart of Brooklyn. It was the largest VS1 installation in the US at the time of completion. The scope included variously configured storefronts, medium and large span walls. Integrated terra cotta screens shielded some walls. VS1 portal entrances were used to create very thin site lines. Two 70ft high walls incorporated a world-first use of a catenary cable to accommodate the building structure. This transfer cable was coupled with twin lateral tension cables to allow a 5 inch deep mullion to seemingly span the full wall height. The tapered mullion shape and position of the lateral cables behind the horizontal joints resulted in an amazingly transparent wall. This project also saw the introduction of VS1-G (Glass Mullions) for some of the walls demonstrating the ever evolving nature of the system in its journey to respond as closely as possible to the architectural vision.

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Richmond Main Street Station


Hiscox Building