All VS1 Projects

Sorrento Mesa South
Designed by Gensler, installed by Lunstrum Windows
VS1 can accommodate long spans without the need for secondary structural reinforcement, and thus Innovation Glass was able to achieve Gensler’s vision and accomplish the 28’ span with the slender 10” VS1 bullet mullion.
➤ Read more about this glass atrium curtain wall enclosure
➥ Seismic Drift Adaptations · Targeting LEED Zero ❍ VS1-A

Adobe Utah Campus
Designed by WRNS, installed by Steel Encounters
A unique set of design parameters presented by the architectural design team at WRNS Studios resulted in the new VS1 mullion design. 42' openings required production of an extra deep 12.75” mullion with thicker walls that would resist lateral buckling loads.
➤ View the full gallery of this long span facade project→
➥ Exterior Mullions · Long Span · Seismic Drift Adaptations ❍ VS1-A