Resorts World Casino
Architect: Perkins Eastman
Installer: Massey Plate Glass and Aluminum
Location: Queens, New York
Project Tags: Complex Geometry / Exterior Mullion
Resorts World Casino, the only Casino in New York City, opened to the public this fall. VS1 was selected for the elliptical entryway facade designed by Perkins Eastman.
12-3/4" deep exterior mullions are radially arranged to create a facade on an inverted conical surface with an elliptical base. The mullions are sloping in both section and elevation in a varying manner from bay to bay to give the visual illusion from the front elevation that the glass geometry is a 90-degree vertical grid. Michalengelo used this technique at the Piazza del Campidoglio in Rome (1536) to visually neutralize the vanishing point by manipulating the geometry of the plaza. When viewed in true elevation the glass panels are actually varying trapezoidal shapes. Furthermore, the top of the wall is projected outward approximately 10’ past the base creating a dramatic effect as one approaches the building. The mullions span from 20' above the entrance to 42' typical and are structural aluminum (6061-T6) blades without steel reinforcing. By using a large radius of curvature the architect created a curved facade with flat, segmented glass panels at +/- 5' on center.
Due to the geometry of the façade and the high wind load criteria the mullions are subjected to a large weak axis bending load, so 2" diameter solid painted aluminum compression struts were used as lateral bracing between mullions to reduce the effective span. Finally, an innovative head anchor assembly was developed by IG to decouple the vertical roof live load deflection from the dual sloped mullions to prevent geometric distortion of the façade under live load events.
We are pleased to have been part of this excellent architectural feature of this new construction. The collaborative experience with the design team and the glazing contractor, Massey’s Plate Glass & Aluminum, Inc. were enriching.